Published on: 27th Jun 2023
BBPA responds to Public Health Scotland's Minimum Unit Pricing Report

Responding to Public Health Scotland’s Minimum Unit Pricing Report, Emma McClarkin, CEO of the Scottish Beer & Pub Association said: 

“It is positive to see a continued reduction in alcohol health related harms, this follows a sustained trend of decline which predates the introduction of MUP. It also comes after over a decade of investment from industry in responsibility messaging, substantial growth of low and no products through innovation and advertising, as well as a host of regulatory interventions such as discount bans, happy hour bans, restrictions to the hours of offsales and much more. So, while the reduction in health harms is rightly celebrated, we question if this can be directly attributed to MUP.

“We must also be mindful of the unintended consequences of MUP in its current blunt form and its interaction with other government policies. As highlighted in the evaluation, there has been a negative impact on those with dependency issues and drinking at harmful levels. This has led to these people switching to stronger products, particularly vodka, resulting in increased toxication as reported by themselves and their families. The evaluation also notes MUP has resulted in other unintended consequences like ‘reduced spending on food and utility bills, increased borrowing from family, friends or pawnbrokers, running down savings or other capital, and using foodbanks or other forms of charity’.

“The introduction of a DRS, now without glass, could further drive consumers towards higher strength products, like vodka as they will have no deposit. In comparison, as multipack of aluminium cans could have as much as £4.80 added on top of the price. This all must be considered before the Scottish Government and Parliament decide on whether or not to continue MUP in its current form beyond next May, or potentially adapt it to take account of DRS and avoid disincentivising the consumption of lower strength products.”